Apa Nama Koreamu?

Nama orang korea itu terdiri dari tiga kata. Kata pertama nama keluarga atau marga (kalo aturan barat biasanya nama marga yang paling belakang, misal Ji Sung, Park. Kalo di korea jadinya Park Ji Sung). Kata kedua nama tengah. Kata ketiga nama panggilan.

Apa nama koreamu??? kalo mau tahu, lihat saja tanggal kelahiranmu. Kamu bisa membuat nama korea berdasarkan tanggal lahir, tapi kalo nggak mau menurut tanggal lahir juga boleh. Ini dia..

Nama keluarga atau marga kamu diambil dari angka terakhir Tahun Kelahiran (misal 1978, yang diambil 8-nya)
– 0: Park
– 1: Kim
– 2: Shin
– 3: Choi
– 4: Song
– 5: Kang
– 6: Han
– 7: Lee
– 8: Sung
– 9: Jung

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The big radish and the lucky man

A long time ago there lived two brothers. The older brother was cunning and greedy. He was very rich. Meanwhile his younger brother was honest and generous. He was poor, although worked very hard in his field.

Because he didn’t get anything from his hard work, he felt disappointed. He just planted a radish in his field. But, he gave the radish a lot of fertilizer. He believes that the radish can grew so big. Everyday, he watered the radish and gave fertilizer with love.

the big radish

One day, the younger brother found the radish grew so big in his field. He didn’t know to do with the radish.

When he went to market, he heard somebody said that the king of the kingdom held a prize contest to looking for husband for her beloved daughter.

The young brother want change his destiny. He went to the palace and brought his big radish. Along the way, his big radish distract people attention.

When he met the king, he said that he want to marry the princess by the big radish as the bride price. The king was surprised. But it wasn’t easy; the king didn’t believe that the younger brother can made the radish to be so big. Maybe, he is a magician who wants to deceive him. So, the king asked to the younger brother from where he can make his radish so big. The young brother told to the king if he planted the radish with gave a lot of fertilizer. The king can’t believe the younger brother so easy, so he told the younger brother to plant a new radish in the palace field. The younger brother gave the radish a lot of fertilizer. Baca lebih lanjut

Huruf Honocoroko yang Terlupakan

Salah satu materi pelajaran bahasa daerah di sekolah adalah dengan mengenal huruf Jawa atau dikenal dengan tulisan Honocoroko. Tentu saja siswa harus dapat menulis dan membaca rangkaian huruf-huruf tersebut dengan lancar. Huruf yang berjumlah hanya 20 saja, ternyata kadang lebih sulit.

Bentuk huruf ini tentu saja berbeda dengan huruf alfabet. Bentuk huruf jawa ini berbentuk agak rumit. Satu huruf menggambarkan satu suku kata. Kalau ingin membentuk kombinasi vokal yang berbeda maka harus diberikan sandangan tertentu, seperti pepet, taling, taling tarung dan lain-lain. Demikian juga kalau ingin membentuk huruf mati di suku kata tersebut, misalnya layar, pangku dan lain-lain.

Rasanya kalau di sekolah hanya mengenal saja sehingga siswa tidak memiliki waktu yang banyak. Akibatnya tentu tidak dapat menguasai kemampuan menulis dan membaca yang baik.

Deretan huruf Jawa.

Deretan huruf Jawa.

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